Cost Calculator

Progressively maintain extensive infomediaries via extensible niches. Dramatically disseminate standardized metrics after resource-leveling processes.
[bt_cost_calculator date_text=”Preferred project start date” time_text=”Preferred project start time” admin_email=”” subject=”Subject of email” email_client=”yes” email_confirmation=”yes” time_start=”08:00″ time_end=”16:00″ currency=”$” currency_after=”” m_name=”Mandatory” m_email=”Mandatory” m_phone=”” m_address=”” m_date=”” m_time=”” m_message=”” accent_color=”” show_booking=”yes” rec_site_key=”” rec_secret_key=”” paypal_email=”” paypal_cart_name=”” paypal_currency=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_cc_group eval=”project = $1; rooms = $2; sofa = $3; chair = $4; table = $5; accessories = $6; if (project == 0) final = 0; if (project == 400) final = 4 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 500) final = 5 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 600) final = 6 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 700) final = 7 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 750) final = 7.5 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 800) final = 8 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 900) final = 9 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); if (project == 950) final = 9.5 * (project + rooms + sofa + chair + table + accessories); return final;” paypal_label=””][bt_cc_item name=”Project type” type=”select” value=”Housing;400; Office;500; Retail;600; Corporate;700; Healthcare;750; Industrial;800; Hospitality and Recreation;900; Institutional;950;” images=”” img_height=””][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=”Approx. number of rooms” type=”slider” value=”0;50;1;1″ images=”” img_height=””][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=”Sofa type” type=”select” value=”Budget;500; Moderate;700; Luxury;1200;” images=”” img_height=””][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=”Chair type” type=”select” value=”Budget;500; Moderate;700; Luxury;1200;” images=”” img_height=””][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=”Table type” type=”select” value=”Budget;500; Moderate;700; Luxury;1200;” images=”” img_height=””][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=”Include accessories” type=”switch” value=”0;10″ images=”” img_height=””][/bt_cc_item][/bt_cc_group][/bt_cost_calculator]

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